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Tofik Nagiev

Tofik Nagiev

Nagiev Institute of Catalysis and Inorganic Chemistry, Azerbaijan


Tofik Nagiev is a Vice-president of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Director of Research Center of “Azerbaijan National Encyclopedia” and Department chief of Nagiev Institute of Catalysis and inorganic chemistry of ANAS. The Professor of the department of the physical and colloid chemistry of Baku State University. His main publications are listed below:

  1. M.F.Nagiev and T.M.Nagiev "The Conjugate Dehydrogenation of Hydrocarbons", Book: Advances in Chemistry-133, Editor Hugh M. Hulbert, 1974. pp. 137-147, USA.
  2. Tofik M. Nagiev. Coherent Synchronized Oxidation reactions by Hydrogen Peroxide. Elsevier. Amsterdam. 2007, p.340. Monography
  3. T.M.Nagiev. Chapter. "Physicochemical Peculiarities of Iron Porphyryn-Containing Electrodesign Catalase and Peroxidase-Type Biomimetic Sensor "Book" Biomimetic Based Applications", Preface IX, Chapter4, 2011, p.105-123 under the editorship of Anne George, Croatia.



Abstract : Mechanism of Biomimetic Monooxidation of Cyclohexane by Hydrogen Peroxide