Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Environment,
Islamic Azad University, Iran.
I am Hadi Erfani, I was born in 1990, My National Researcher Code is (9833151000034) as well as a Professional Engineer of The Society of Professional Engineers International UK, Top 50 International Distinguished Young Researcher 2020, Top Inventor (Gold Medal) of 2nd Beirut International Innovation Show 2021, Top Inventor (Bronze Medal) of World Youth Invention and Innovation Award 2021, Top Inventor of (Silver, Bronze Medal) of 15th Edition of International Invention and Innovation Show INTARG 2022, International Young Scientist and Keynote Speaker of IRSD 2021. My Research interests are Chemical Engineering, Waste Management. My work experience, including Keynote Speaker, Invited Speaker, Plenary Speaker, Guest Lecturer, International Young Scientist, Top Inventor, Research Scholar, Instructor, International Professional Coaching, Best Researcher, Mentor, Industry Professional, Research Assistant, Scientific Committee Member, Organizing Committee Member, Advisory Committee Member, Technical Committee Member, Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member, Reviewer Board Member, International Advisory Board Member,... I work as a Reviewer and Editor of the journals with Scopus and ISI Index as well as I was able to work scientifically with more than 50 countries around the world, which was a great honor for me. I have 7 books, 3 translations of book, 1 chapter, 3 inventions, 10 articles and for more information about me: HadiErfani68@Yahoo.Com HadiErfani1368@Gmail.Com What's App; +989368922777 Telegram; http://www.telegram.me/HadiErfani68 Instagram; http://www.instagram.com/hadierfani68 Linkedin; https://www.linkedin.com/in/hadi-erfani-627577147 Researchgate; http://www.researchgate.net/profile/Hadi_Erfani3 Google Scholar; https://scholar.google.com/citations?hl=fa&user=2SNMUpoAAAAJ Orcid; https://orcid.org/0000-0002-3001-7992 Website; https://60a64e2047e7a.site123.m Hadi Erfani (Scientist) Department of Chemical Engineering, Faculty of Environment, Islamic Azad University, Iran.
Research Interest
My work experience, including Keynote Speaker, Invited Speaker, Plenary Speaker, Guest Lecturer, International Young Scientist, Top Inventor, Research Scholar, Instructor, International Professional Coaching, Best Researcher, Mentor, Industry Professional, Research Assistant, Scientific Committee Member, Organizing Committee Member, Advisory Committee Member, Technical Committee Member, Associate Editor, Editorial Board Member, Reviewer Board Member, International Advisory Board Member,...