Call for Abstract

12th World Congress on Green Chemistry and Technology , will be organized around the theme “”

Green Chemistry 2021 is comprised of 15 tracks and 29 sessions designed to offer comprehensive sessions that address current issues in Green Chemistry 2021.

Submit your abstract to any of the mentioned tracks. All related abstracts are accepted.

Register now for the conference by choosing an appropriate package suitable to you.

Biomass is plant or animal substance used for energy production. It is the fuel that is developed from organic materials, a renewable and property supply of energy want to generate electricity or totally different sorts of power. Biomass can be grown, collected, and converted to substitute liquid fuels by a various of methods. Currently, biomass-to-ethanol is Conversion on a large scale to provide a gasoline additive in the United States and Brazil, among different places. It has the probability to moderate greenhouse warming through the availability of energy from CO2-neutral feedstocks. Biomass differs from other Renewable energy resources (solar, wind, and geothermal) in that it has a non-zero fuel cost. Biomass doesn't add Global greenhouse gas to the atmosphere because it absorbs a continuous amount of carbon in growing because it releases once it's consumed as a fuel. It may be  important supply of energy and the most significant fuel worldwide once coal, oil and gas.


  • Track 1-1Biodiversity, Sustainability
  • Track 1-2Biomass Policies, Markets
  • Track 1-3Bio-based Chemicals and Reactions
  • Track 1-4Biomass Applications

Green nanotechnology has taken on the field of green chemistry, and the framework of the 12 Principles of Green Chemistry features considerably in work to design novel   nanotechnologies for joint economic, social, and health/environmental benefit. Green nanotechnology can affect the suggestion of nanomaterials and products by reducing   pollution from the production of the nanomaterials, taking a life cycle approach to nanoproducts to estimate and limit the environmental effects might occur in the product chain, designing toxicity out of nanomaterials and using nanomaterials to treat existing environmental Hazards. Green nanotechnology has built on the principles of green chemistry and green engineering techniques. Green nanotechnology applications might also involve a clean production process, such as producing nanoparticles with sunlight; the recycling of industrial waste products into nanomaterial.


  • Track 2-1Green production technology of Nanocomposites
  • Track 2-2Nanotechnology in production of Bioactive paints, Coatings
  • Track 2-3Green nanostructured biodegradable materials

Pollution Prevention and Control aims to aims to remove ambiguities and discrepancies, ensure clearer environmental benefits, promote cost-effectiveness and encourage technological innovation. Pollution prevention is the practices that eliminate the making of pollutants and its release in the environment. Any practice that reduces, eliminates, or prevents pollution at its source are necessary for preserving wetlands, groundwater sources and other critical ecosystems from further damage.  It   is an action that reduces the amount of contaminants released into the atmosphere. Prevention of pollution protect natural resources and can also have significant financial benefits in large scale.


  • Track 3-1Methods of Environmental Analysis
  • Track 3-2Soil Pollution and Remediation, Solidwaste Disposal
  • Track 3-3Environmental Control Technology of Air, Water and Soil Pollution

Green Analytical chemistry is a part of the sustainable development theory. Its main aim is to reduce the negative environmental impact of chemical laboratories that perform medical, environmental, food, and industrial analyses. There are various methods that are incorporated under the banner of green analytical chemistry. The most significant are miniaturization of equipment, especially in the field of sample preparation, avoiding of certain analytical activities, replacement of toxic reagents and even more prominently solvents, or selection appropriate analytical procedure from those characterized by reduce   environmental impact.  The three most important methods of Green Analytical Chemistry (GAC) includes green sample pretreatment, miniaturization of analytical devices and a reduction in the waste generated and ensuring the usage of proper waste treatment methodology used. Green Analytical Chemistry shows the recent trends and future needs in this area. The main issues are specifically related to search for cheaper, more efficient, more accurate, greener and miniaturized alternatives.


  • Track 4-1Capillary Electrophoresis
  • Track 4-2Green Analytical Atomic Spectroscopy
  • Track 4-3Green Bioanalytical Chemistry

The knowledge of green chemistry is the study of novel idea which developed in the business and regulatory society as a natural evolution of pollution distrustful actions. Green chemistry takes a pace further and builds new concepts for chemistry and engineering to design chemicals, chemical processes and products in a way that evades the production of toxic substances and waste generation. It stops the environment being polluted. If a technology   eliminates the harmful chemicals used to clean up environmental contaminants, this technology would qualify as a green chemistry technology


  • Track 5-1Green chemistry education
  • Track 5-2Principles in Green Chemistry
  • Track 5-3Green chemistry in society and markets
  • Track 5-4Green Extraction Techniques

Green Chemical Reactions play major role in synthesis. The thought of Green Chemistry appeals for the development of new chemical reactivity’s and reactions that can potentially provide benefits for chemical syntheses in understandings of resource and energy efficiency, product selectivity, operational simplicity, and health and environmental safety. Some of green reaction methods include atom economy where the reaction seeks to maximize the incorporation of the starting materials into the final product of any given reaction. In bio-catalysis of usefulness in various catalysts such as enzymes, whole cells, and antibodies for organic synthesis which have become more recognized.


  • Track 6-1Aqueous Phase reactions
  • Track 6-2Biocatalysts in Organic Synthesis
  • Track 6-3Safer Reagents for Synthesis

The chemical industries have the potential to extremely harm our environments. Within the last span of ten years, the scientific the community has observed a growing interest in environmental difficulties and the worth for environmentally friendly energy generation and chemical processes. The mix of chemical engineering tools with the new analysis of findings Green chemists, biologists, and environmental scientists has allowed the look of the latest processes for the manufacture of chemicals, fuels, and product with a reduced environmental footprint.


  • Track 7-1Chemical reaction engineering
  • Track 7-2Kinetics, catalysis & chemical reactors
  • Track 7-3Green chemical processess and applications

Green energy, also known as renewable or property energy comes from natural sources like wind, water, and daylight. It is a lot of environmentally friendly than different forms of energy and doesn’t contribute to temperature change or Global warming. These energy resources are renewable in nature. Renewable energy sources have a lesser impact on the setting that produces pollutants like greenhouse gases as a by-product, causal to temperature change. 

  • Track 8-1Biofuels and bioenergy
  • Track 8-2CO2 capture, storage and utilization
  • Track 8-3Energy storage and network

Green food production often suggests organic farming practices a few centuries ago. This type of farming uses a small area of land for crops and another area for grazing beef, sheep, and goat. Farm entities were almost always independent with no use of pesticides or herbicides and the only fertilizer used was manure. Organic farming wills ensembles the notion of a green technology. Primary, secondary, and tertiary processing techniques are discovered to convert raw produce into value-added foods and ingredients. Primary processing techniques such as cleaning, grading, sorting, and milling are used as initial step in processing most of the grains. One of the most promising technological methods to reduce environmental footprint in food processing is the use of enzymes. Enzymes speed up reaction rates and results in savings in terms of time, energy, and cost.

  • Track 9-1Managing nutrient cycles in crop and livestock with green techniques
  • Track 9-2Reduce carbon footprint
  • Track 9-3Environmental performance of organic farming

Recycling is the procedure of collecting and processing materials. Recycling includes the three steps mainly those are Collection and processing, Manufacturing, purchasing New products made from Recycled Materials. Many benefits are there by recycling process mainly prevents pollution by reducing the need to collect new raw materials, Saves energy, increases economic security by tapping a domestic source of materials.



As part of a rapidly growing field of study, the applications of ultrasound in green chemistry and environmental applications have a promising future. Compared to conventional methods, ultrasonication can gives variety of benefits, such as environmental friendliness cost efficiency, and compact, on-site treatment. Ultrasonic technology summarizes the key studies and innovations reported in recent research that has utilized ultrasound methods in environmental analysis, water, and sludge treatment, soil and sediment remediation to air purification

Green economy is one that enhances human well-being and gives social equity while reducing environmental hazards. An comprehensive green economy is an different to today's main economic model, which exacerbates inequalities, encourages waste, triggers resource scarcities, and generates extensive threats to the environment and human health. The concept of the green economy has emerged as a precedence for many governments. By changing their economies into drivers of sustainability, these countries will be primed to take on the major challenges of the 21st century -from urbanization and resource scarcity to climate change and economic volatility.

Life cycle sustainability assessment (LCSA) signifies to the evaluation of all environmental, social and economic negative effects and benefits in decision-making processes towards more sustainable products throughout their life cycle. LCSA helps to the   decision-makers in prioritizing resources and investing them where there are more chances of positive impacts and less chance of negative ones. The method of Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) has been developed one of the major tools for the analysis of anthropogenic environmental impacts.  It considers the whole life cycle of a product or procedure and assesses environmental impacts in terms of various environmental impact categories that go beyond the consideration of mass or energy flows. Recent case studies derived from emerging research areas such as active pharmaceutical ingredient manufacturing, nanotechnology, flow chemistry, process strengthening by severe synthesis conditions, process integration, and waste treatment, the use of other energy sources or solvents as well as chemistry based on renewable resources are presented, emphasising the usefulness and importance of LCA in today's green chemical design.

Waste valorization is the procedure of getting waste and altering it into useful chemicals that can be utilized, whose value is beyond the cost of the energy has needed to process the transformation. Waste Valorization states that any industrial processing activity targeted for reusing, recycling, composting from wastes, and sources of energy. It often takes the form of one of the following activities: processing of residue or by-products into raw materials, use of waste materials in manufacturing process stages, and addition of waste materials to finished products. During the past years, many market sectors like transportation biofuels, heat and power generation and charcoal production started focusing on new technologies able to convert low quality (no cost) materials in high value products.


Clean Technology includes recycling, renewable energy (wind power, solar power, biomass, hydropower, biofuels, etc.), information technology, green transportation, electric motors, lighting, Greywater, and many other applications that are more energy efficient. It is a means to create electricity and fuels, with a smaller environmental footprint and minimize pollution to make green buildings, transport and infrastructure both more energy efficient and environmentally benign. A project that is established with concern for climate change mitigation (such as a Kyoto Clean Development Mechanism project) is also known as a carbon project.